A Day in Haiti

Yesterday I had a conversation with some of the girls  that we minister to. There were six of us sitting on the basketball court after playing a short soccer game, during which I had nearly cracked my face open on the concrete. Our conversation went something like this:

Them: "How long are you living here?"
Me: "Two years."
Them: "How long have you been here already?"
Me: "Four months."
Them: "After you leave are you going to visit?"
Me: "Yes."
Them: "But you won't live here anymore?"
Me: "I don't know."
Them: "When you go, can I come with you?"

I didn't know what to say so I kind of laughed and said: "I would like that."

Then someone else said, "Can I come too?" 

So I said, "Everyone can come with me!"

Ahhh. I hope They knew I was joking. Although I would love to bring them to America one day. Pray for me to give them Christ and not just myself. It is hard sometimes because everything they do and say just tickles me!!!

Today I sat inside of a cardboard box with one of the girls, Taina, and we pretended it was our house. It was a huge box. Another one if the girls gave me three pieces of this fruit thing we have on our property. I ate one, and Taina ate one, then I tried to give her the last one and she bit it in half and gave the other half back to me. Serious generosity!

I love Haiti.

Paola and I went to one of the girls houses before evening prayer and spent time with her family and got to pray with them a little in our broken creole before we left.

After mass that morning, we had gone to a school to invite them to our "life morning" on Sunday. I got to say a couple sentences in creole. It was sweet! Then a girl passed out and we prayed over her. A lot happened before breakfast! Thankfully I had managed to grab a cup of coffee before we ran out the door.

A great day!


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