One Year in Haiti

October 10th marked the one-year anniversary of our mission team moving to Haiti and beginning mission here at the John Paul II Center for the New Evangelization! I can’t believe it has been a year, but I am blessed and encouraged by all that God has done in these past twelve months. I have been reflecting a lot on the past year and the things that God has been opening up and changing in my heart. When we first realized that God was opening the doors for Life Teen Missions to come to Haiti, my first response was fear. Fear of helping to begin a new mission where there were a lot of questions and unknowns. Fear of my own weaknesses and incapabilities. Fear of failing, and letting down many people in Haiti and America. I chose to come here despite those fears, knowing that God was calling me and I could not say no. Many of those fears continued well into our mission. Some even grew and multiplied. Fear of speaking a language that I am not fluent in. Fear that something coul...