
This morning at mass, the priest gave a great homily.

He said that often the people who are hardest to love, are the ones who need our love the most. Often those people might be the ones who don't even "deserve" to be loved. He said that too often, we sit around waiting for people to be lovable or forgivable. But Jesus calls us to love regardless, and to love especially those who are difficult to love in our lives.

This was a good reminder for me about what we are called to as Christians. The Christian message about love is not fluffy and easy. It is difficult. This is good for me in community, in mission, with my family, and even friends.

Too often, my thoughts are: "Well, this person needs to do this." Or "Why, doesn't this person change this about themselves." Instead, I am called to say, "I will love you with my actions and words, even though you are not doing what I want or expect, because as a Christian I am called to love you regardless." I need to stop waiting for others to change, so that I can love them. And just start loving them. The reality too, is that love is what changes lives. If someone who drives me crazy suddenly feels loved, that might just change them, or at least change our relationship enough that they don't drive me crazy anymore, because my own heart has been changed.

Today, I commit to love those who are most difficult for me to love, those who I don't feel "deserve" to be loved. Because if I fall apart in my ability to truly love others, then I am falling apart in one of the most basic Christian callings.

Jesus, help me to love.


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