I'm a human being. Are you?

About five years ago, I went to a Theology of the Body conference where the speaker asked, "Are you a spiritual being?" After everyone started to say yes... He responded, "No! You are not a spiritual being. You are a HUMAN being. The angels are spiritual beings. You are not an angel. You are human. You have a soul AND you have a body." And you know what else? Being human is not bad. It's actually not a sin. You know who else was human? JESUS. And He never sinned. So being human can't be a sin. It's actually a good thing and a gift that God gave us. My body, my emotions, my intellect, they are all good, holy things. It's so easy, especially as a missionary, to live as if I am a spiritual being, and not a human being with a body, emotions, and a mind, as well as a soul. It's easy to live as if what I feel, think and need doesn't actually matter unless it is a spiritual thing. That is just simply not true! It's a big fat lie, okay? It is...