The Father is Tenderhearted

Here we are, in the midst of a pandemic. Personally, my life has been uprooted and turned upside down by COVID-19. Just a few months ago, in March, I was living in Haiti again, expecting to be there for at least a few years. Now, here I am back in America, uncertain when I will be able to go back to Haiti, just waiting. For me, it's easy to feel discouraged, disappointed, and confused in the midst of all of this upheaval. Life has felt like a train wreck. In April, I paid way too much money for a flight into America after Haiti's airport had shut down, traveling with a way too thick mask that I had made myself from a foldable mask tutorial (stop giving bad advice internet!). I spent two weeks quarantining after traveling, worried that every time my throat tickled, I could have the virus, or that the anxiety I felt in my chest from "What's happening in my life?!" was a sign that I was about to be seriously ill. I tried to make the best of things. I learned to m...