Wasting Time

I believe in wasting time. Wasting time in my personal life. And wasting time in ministry. When I look back at the best moments of my life, they were ones that didn’t accomplish anything. Sitting around a table, telling stories, laughter. Definitely laughter. When I look back at the best and most fruitful times in ministry, I also fully believe that those are the ones that would be considered wasted time. Like when my high school girls’ small group in Nashville would eat dinner together, usually resulting in stories, jokes, and laughter. Or sitting outside of someone’s house in Haiti, playing with kids, letting them tell us about their lives. Or playing a card game with teenagers on our porch in Haiti, before I could speak much of the language. Or jumping rope with the kids and our neighbors in Asia. What is the point? Relationship. Sometimes when I was a teacher monitoring the playground, kids would come and tell me little pieces of their story. How she stayed up all night wit...